Liberal Party (Mexico)

The Liberal Party or the Progress Party[1] was a Mexican political party founded in the early XIX century and involving characters like José María Luis Mora, Benito Juarez and Porfirio Diaz.

When Mexico achieved its independence in 1821 the Mexican political life was altered by constant struggles between liberal and conservative.[2] The Liberal Party enacted the Federal Constitution of 1857, which along with the Plan of Ayutla (1854) and other liberal reforms polarized Mexican society to lead the Reform War (1857-1861)[3], the Second French Intervention in México (1862-1867) and the Second Mexican Empire (1863–1867).


  1. ^ Garrido, Luis Javier (1995). El partido de la Revolución institucionalizada. La formación del nuevo estado en México (1928-1945). Siglo XXI. ISBN 968231710X, 9789682317101. 
  2. ^ Vázquez, Josefina Zoraida (1997) Liberales y conservadores en México: diferencias y simulitudes EIAL Vol. 8, No. 1.
  3. ^ Jarquín, María Teresa; Herrejón Peredo, Carlos Breve Historia del Estado de México Biblioteca digital ILCE, SEP